The recent run-up in the market, financial advisers say, has led to a resurgence of the type of loan not seen since the end of the housing boom& cash out financing. 财务顾问们表示,最近的美国股市大涨带动了抵押类贷款的复苏,这是自上次房地产繁荣期结束以来前所未见的景象。
Over-indebtedness born of the housing boom may also contribute to deflationary pressures during the bust. 房地产繁荣引发的负债过高,还可能给萧条时期的经济带来通货紧缩压力。
Three years after the end of the housing boom, the economy contracted. 房地产繁荣结束3年后,荷兰经济开始出现紧缩。
But does that mean that homeowners in the former bubble markets would have been better off if the housing boom never happened? 但是这是否就意味着如果房地产热没发生的话,在过去的泡沫市场中购房的房主会获益更多呢?
The sustained decline in producer prices reflects the downturn in China's housing market, which had led to excess supply of the materials used in the housing boom. PPI连续下降反映出中国住房市场的下跌,曾经住房市场的繁荣曾使得原材料供应过剩。
China had a massive surge in its demand for commodities over the past decade, fuelled by its housing boom and infrastructure investment boom, says Dong Tao, head of non-Japan Asia economics at Credit Suisse. 过去10年,中国对大宗商品的需求出现激增,其推动因素是住房建设热潮和基建投资热潮,瑞信(CreditSuisse)亚洲区(不含日本)首席经济分析师陶冬表示。
A governor of the US Federal Reserve, Gramlich warned publicly in 2004 of the risks inherent in the explosion of subprime lending that fuelled the housing boom. 作为美联储(Fed)理事之一,格拉姆利克在2004年就公开警告了次贷激增的内在风险,这些贷款助长了房地产市场的繁荣。
A housing boom had turned temporarily to bust. 住房市场繁荣只不过在短期内转入萧条。
The housing turmoil has indeed cut a chunk out of investment – residential investment has fallen by$ 81bn in the three quarters during which the current account deficit declined, and even more compared with the peak of the housing boom earlier last year. 房地产动荡的确砍掉了很大一块投资&在经常账户赤字减少的3个季度中,住宅投资下降了810亿美元,与去年早些时候房地产繁荣时期相比,则落差更大。
Demand for professionals like Zhang has risen sharply thanks to the housing boom. 由于房地产行业的兴盛,对于像张磊这样专业人才的需求也在急剧增加。
The housing boom was inflamed by mortgage securitisation. 抵押贷款证券化助长了房地产繁荣。
In real terms, the US housing boom has been almost completely cancelled out. 按实际值计算,美国楼市的繁荣已几乎完全被抹消。
Only this time it is not a credit-fuelled housing boom in the developed world that is rescuing the global economy. It is property in the developing world. 只是,这一次拯救全球经济的不再是发达国家中信贷推动的房地产繁荣,而是发展中国家的地产市场。
Britain has been harder hit by the credit crunch: it had a huge housing boom that is turning to bust; 信贷紧缩对英国的打击其实更重:其巨大的楼市繁荣正走向衰败;
After the turbulence of the past 18 months, the ratio has fallen to 3.3 times, still the world's second highest after India, and residential real estate trades at multiples of income that make the US housing boom look tame. 经过过去18个月的动荡,这一比率已经降至3.3倍,但依然是世界第二高水平,仅次于印度。中国的住宅售价与收入之比,也让美国的房地产热潮相形见绌。
With the exception of Germany and Japan, advanced countries have been in the grip of a housing boom since the mid-1990s. The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development described the boom as unprecedented in its steepness, durability and geographical breadth. 自上世纪90年代中期以来,除德国和日本以外的发达国家一直处于一场房地产热潮之中。经合组织(OECD)形容这场热潮时称,其深度、持久性和地域跨度都是前所未有的。
For much of the past decade Spain was Europe's Florida, its economy buoyed by a huge speculative housing boom. 在上一个十年里,西班牙就是欧洲的佛罗里达,经济发展靠的是投机地产泡沫。
Many believe these delays fuelled the technology boom of the 1990s and the later housing boom. 许多人认为,当时美联储行动的延迟助长了90年代的科技繁荣和其后的楼市繁荣。
Back in the housing boom, it was a full-time job. 在住宅市场繁荣时期,这算得上是份全职工作。
And we ought to give more opportunities to all those construction workers who lost their jobs when the housing boom went bust. 在这里输入译文当房地产市场的繁荣完蛋时,我们应该给那些失去工作的建筑工人们更多的机会。
The latest world housing boom shares many of the hallmarks of its predecessor. 最新一轮全球房地产市场繁荣与上一轮繁荣有着诸多共同特征。
If told that business investment looks weak and will not be getting the help of another housing boom, they say that a real exchange rate depreciation will fill the gap with an increase of net exports. 如果听到企业投资显得疲软、而且无法从新一轮房地产热潮中得到支撑,他们会说,实际汇率的下跌将会带动净出口增加,从而填补缺口。
The US government sponsored the housing boom and regulators failed to stop the bubble. 美国政府是房地产泡沫的始作俑者,而监管机构未能阻止泡沫的形成。
He says US consumption growth is likely to grow very slowly for several years to come, as the housing boom subsides and the household savings rate moves back towards more normal levels. 他表示,由于住宅市场繁荣的消退,家庭储蓄率回到更为正常的水平,美国未来几年的消费增长可能非常缓慢。
The US housing boom of the first half of this decade ended abruptly in2006. 美国房地产市场的繁荣上半年这个十年在2006年突然结束。
The recent US housing boom is a case in point. 最近美国的房产热就是一个很好的例子。
Mr Greenspan points out that there was a housing boom-he avoids using the word bubble this time-in at least 40 different countries. 格林斯潘指出,至少有40个不同国家存在房地产热潮这次他没有使用“泡沫”这个词。
Zhang's misfortune is not uncommon. China's housing boom has created a woefully frustrated class of bachelors. 张所遭遇的这种不幸并不少见,中国房产热潮造就了一个失落的单身汉阶层。
In Britain, given the size of its finance industry, housing boom and consumer debt, the balance-sheet adjustment will, if anything, be greater. 再看看英国。考虑到其金融业、房市泡沫以及消费者债务的规模,资产负债表上的调整无论如何都将更大。